Jessie's and Blue's AKC puppies born 7/15/24 ready for their forever homes 9/9/24
These puppies will most likely be smaller than Cali/Docs litter. Blue and Jessie are standard sized ; however Jessie is smaller than Doc and Blue is smaller than Cali
Puppies will have first shots, health guarantee, veterinarian exams, and will have begun basic training by pickup.
Please call 208-739-7347 for more information about each individual puppy and to inquire about purchasing. Why call? We get very attached to our puppies and spend so many hours with them. This is why we love to talk with our puppy buyers and help them make the best choice for their new puppy.
Both groups of puppies at six weeks of age!
Jessie/Blue puppies at five weeks
Black Tri Female "KATE" SOLD
Red Merle Male "Hurley"-SOLD
Red Tri Male "DESMOND" Available
Blue Merle Male "CHARLIE" SOLD